Rising To The Challenge!
EARLY BIRD TICKETS: AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST www.cccchaiti.eventbrite.com Special discounted price until December 1st, 2021 – MUSIC BY: DJ SPARKX
EARLY BIRD TICKETS: AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST www.cccchaiti.eventbrite.com Special discounted price until December 1st, 2021 – MUSIC BY: DJ SPARKX
Thank you so much for your donation to the Haiti earthquake relief fund. With your help, we raised a little over $4000.The funds received will go to two Churches and schools that we’re badly damages, Saint Luc, in Martel and Saint Sauveur in Les Cayes. We trust that Fr. Phanord from St Luc and Fr. Read more about EARTHQUAKE RELIEF EFFORT UPDATE:[…]
The summer camp was held from Saturday 21st to Saturday 28th, 2021, at the Kiskeya Episcopal Center in Montrouis, with the theme: “Education, Our Compass.” Our one-week summer camp allowed the children from Cabaret and Cazale to have a week fun-filled with activities. To name a few, we had formation in Etiquette, Macramé, Art, Theatre, Read more about Nearly 100 young people participated.[…]
It happened again! On Saturday, August 14, Haiti was hit by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake that crumbled homes and buildings and killed more than 2,200 people so far. Please pray for Haiti, and include St. Luke’s in Martel and St Sauveur Episcopal Churches and Schools in your intercessory prayers. Both churches were badly damaged. The Read more about PRAY FOR HAITI[…]
Dear Benefactor, The recent events in Haiti have been troubling to our entire board as we attempt to make sense of the unnerving destabilizing criminality imposed on a people that have suffered so much. Haiti needs your prayers more than ever. Please pray for goodwill and cooperation amongst the leaders charged with moving the country Read more about Summer Camp is Postponed Until August 21st.[…]
In this year’s camp, the participants will engage in strategies and initiatives for social change, service-learning projects, civic duties, etiquette, health, and hygiene. For that to happen, Cazale Community Cultural Center would appreciate your financial support or items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and deodorant. Each camper will be provided with lodging, three meals per Read more about Sponsor a Camper to a week filled with adventure. Text “4Csponsor” to 44-321 to donate or sponsor a child.[…]
Thanks to the many donations we received this past year, we have new books in all genres for our students and the community to enjoy. Our growing library will lead to better reading and writing skills for our students.
Dear Friends, This year has placed added stress on all of us, and nonprofits organizations like ours are struggling to stay afloat. As you are aware, most of our incoming funds for our budget come from the many fundraising events we have throughout the year. Because of covid19, we were obliged to put a pause Read more about Holiday Appeal![…]